
2023-2024 CLTL编程

2024年Jan | 2024年2月 | 2024年3月 | 2024年4月 | 2024年5月





  • 时间和地点: Tuesday, Jan. 30,5 to 6:30 p.m. in 穆雷Aikins (2nd 餐厅楼层)
  • 描述: The cost of textbooks 和 other course materials can present a significant barrier 适合大学生. 火博体育的学生 影响 通过这些成本? 我们能做些什么来降低校园里的这些障碍呢? 这个面板 discussion will explain the ways in which course materials costs play out on our campus, 识别 what our campus is already doing to address course materials costs, 和 explore ways 我们可以一起为火博体育的学生降低障碍. 会有丰盛的 轻咬! This conversation is a collaboration between SGA, the CLTL, 和 the Lucy Scribner 图书馆由Tess Malloy主持(学术事务副总裁), SGA), 贝克Krefting (CLTL主任、美国研究教授). 小组成员 包括: Becky Mattison (Senior Academic Materials Associate, Skid Shop), Beth Post (Director of Financial 援助), Lia Ball (Associate Professor 和 Associate Chair of Chemistry), Marta Brunner (College Librarian), 和 Sarah Sweeney (Associate Professor 和 Chair 的艺术). 


不要害怕,因为我与你同在; 人工智能时代的写作教学策略 

  • 时间和地点: 周五,2月. 2从12:15开始 to 1:15 p.m. 在韦勒房间 (212年自由)
  • 描述: Writing Center director Caitlin Jorgensen will help 教师 move past AI anxiety 和 在人工智能时代提高他们的写作教学. 生成的广泛可用性 人工智能有很多教员 感觉 不知所措, 这是 natural to worry about how your students’ use of AI may negatively affect their learning. 但是写作能力 仍然是 a crucial skill for critical thinking 和 intellectual growth, 和 AI is an important 这是技能的一部分. 当我们 不能 承诺“人工智能证明”你的教学方法,这个 一小时的午餐时间 给你在人工智能时代教写作的具体策略. 提供午餐! 请 回复在这里 到Jan1日星期一. 29


  • 时间和地点: 11:15-12:30 p.m. 星期四,2月. 22,在Murray-Aikins餐厅的测试厨房
  • 描述: This book by Cathy Davidson, distinguished professor at the CUNY Graduate Center, 和 Christina Katopodis, postdoctoral research associate 和 associate director of transformative learning in the humanities, uses the latest research in learning science to discuss easily implemented strategies for active learning across disciplines (Harvard UP, 2022). 如果教职员工有兴趣参加其中之一 discussions, 请 email 贝克Krefting to specify your preferred lunch time 和 receive 在活动开始前,先拿一本. 这里最多可容纳12人参加 每次讨论先到先得. 你只可索取一份副本,如果你 要知道你可以承诺参加. 午餐券将在中庭派发 每次活动之前.  

扩大学生对人工智能的参与:A pedagogical workshop designed to develop best practices for integrating AI-based 课堂活动. 

  • 时间和地点: 周五,2月. 23, 4-5:30 p.m. 在韦勒房间
  • 描述: 在教室里看到太多面无表情的人? 需要活跃学生的讨论? Come to our AI workshop w在这里 facilitators will introduce various strategies for designing ethical AI-based 课堂活动 that foster active learning 和 encourage enthusiastic 学生的参与. 由工商管理学院主席马特·卢卡斯领导, 和 Chelsea Taylor, visiting assistant professor of religious 研究, participants will learn how to critically assess human inputs as well as AI outputs across multiple popular platforms 和 get the opportunity to workshop their own discipline-specific 与其他Skidmore教师和led工作人员的任务. 参加者亦会 invited to our follow-up meeting on April 19 to discuss student responses to the incorporation 这些新的基于人工智能的课堂活动. 有小吃! 请回复出席. 



This spring, the CLTL is joining forces with Student Academic Services to develop a consultancy program pairing folks on campus who have undergone training in Universal Design for Learning (UDL) with colleagues who wish to adopt UDL practices in their 自己设计和实践课程. 参与的教师将有机会 for an individual consultation (60-90 minutes) with a fellow staff/教师 member 学习通用设计. 如果你认为你会从中受益 一种量身定制的个人教学支持,请发邮件 贝克Krefting,他会将您与UDL顾问联系起来. 我们将尽一切可能提供便利 requests, but t在这里 are a limited number of consultancies (first come, first served). This program is funded in part by a grant 从 the New York State Department of Education. 

Spring Research Salon with Lisa Jackson-Schebetta: ‘Peace-Building 和 Performance in Contemporary Columbia: Theatrical, Imaginative, 和 Corporeal Laboring’ 

  • 时间和地点: 3月28日星期四上午11:30.m.-12:30 p.m. 在韦勒室(图书馆212)
  • 描述: Peacebuilding performances in Colombia enact a constellation of creativity 和 care — one that is steadfastly ignored, downplayed, 和 invisibilized by an extractive US (和 global) imaginary that profits 从 a Colombia predominantly (even, solely) 深陷暴力之中. 正如历史学家和政治学家指出的那样:全世界都知道 哥伦比亚主要依靠暴力,而不是和平. 对建设和平工作的审查 in Colombia offers pointed critiques of dominant models of peace: Both liberal peace 理论与和平进程完全以人为中心. 例如,2016年,总统 Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia 和 Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia leader Rodrigo Lodoño签署了一项和平协议,结束了50年的冲突. 他们用的笔是由 the spent casing of an assault rifle, symbolizing the rejection of bullets for the 和平的书写. 同月,在Medellín,数十人表演“播种” themselves in the street: planting their bodies by covering their legs with dirt 和 sitting silent vigil in protest of the displacement, disappearance, 和 destruction 是由国家和国家外的行为体造成的. 两者都是建设和平的例子. Just as conflict in Colombia is staggering in its complexity, peace building in Colombia 是否同样复杂、长期、多样. 发请帖 3月25日星期一之前.


This spring, the CLTL is joining forces with Student Academic Services to develop a consultancy program pairing folks on campus who have undergone training in Universal Design for Learning (UDL) with colleagues who wish to adopt UDL practices in their 自己设计和实践课程. 参与的教师将有机会 for an individual consultation (60-90 minutes) with a fellow staff/教师 member 学习通用设计. 如果你认为你会从中受益 一种量身定制的个人教学支持,请发邮件 贝克Krefting,他会将您与UDL顾问联系起来. 我们将尽一切可能提供便利 requests, but t在这里 are a limited number of consultancies (first come, first served). This program is funded in part by a grant 从 the New York State Department of Education. 

Activating the Teacher-Scholar Model: Synergizing Teaching 和 Research 

  • 时间和地点: 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. 4月9日,星期二,下午1-2点.m. 4月10日,星期三,在默里-艾金斯 食堂及测试厨房.
  • 描述: How can we learn 从 each other about how to make teaching 和 scholarship work together 表现为协同作用? 我们的时间和精力是宝贵的,我们经常想保护我们的 scholarly energies 从 getting drained by teaching or resent when scholarly deadlines 在一个学期的错误时间来上课. 有没有具体的方法来培养这些呢 研究和教学相互支持的神奇时刻? 来和我们一起吃午饭吧 to discuss how to capitalize on the potential for synergy in our research 和 teaching. These conversations will be facilitated by Eliza Kent, professor of religious 研究, 以及化学系教授兼系主任Juan Navea. 午餐票 be distributed in the Atrium of the Dining Hall before the start of the event. 请 发请帖 在这里预订一个或两个午餐讨论的位置. 

汇报:扩大学生与人工智能的互动 - A pedagogical workshop designed to develop best practices for integrating AI-based 课堂活动.

  • 时间和地点: 4-5:30 p.m. 4月19日,星期五,韦勒厅(图书馆212室)
  • 描述: This event is a follow-up to the successful February workshop w在这里 教师 were introduced to various strategies for designing ethical AI-based 课堂活动 that foster 主动学习,鼓励学生积极参与. 在这次活动中,我们 will discuss incorporation 这些新的基于人工智能的课堂活动 和 student 对他们的回应. 这次对话将由hard Chair的Matt Lucas主持 of Business Administration, 和 Chelsea Taylor, visiting assistant professor of religious 研究. 有小吃! 请 发请帖 在这里.